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Will My Sciatica Pain Keep Getting Worse?

Will My Sciatica Pain Keep Getting Worse?

Sciatica describes the group of symptoms arising from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. You’ve got two, each branching off the lower spine and running down a leg. Compression usually develops because of herniated spinal discs or narrowing of the spaces in the spine that allow the nerves to pass. 

Sciatica pain can be severe. In most cases, it resolves itself in a matter of weeks with rest and care. Less often, it becomes a chronic issue as the pain persists. 

Usually, sciatica pain starts out as severe, sharp stabbing sensations that ease in intensity over time. This pain may not let up if you continue to aggravate the nerve or if you have a degenerative condition that is contributing to the nerve compression. 

Visit Westside Pain Specialists to find relief from sciatica pain at any stage of the condition. We specialize in sciatica treatment, and we can help develop a pain management plan that works for you. In addition to your medical care, there are steps you can take to avoid triggering additional sciatic nerve pain. 

Will my sciatica pain keep getting worse? 

While there are no guarantees when we talk about nerve pain, most cases of sciatica ease in a matter of weeks, even when the pain is severe. Typically, an episode that features sharp, burning pain accompanying particular movements also lets up. That stabbing pain may arise less frequently and less severely. 

Other sciatica symptoms include tingling and numbness, which are usually easy to tolerate, though they may be accompanied by stiffness or limited mobility. 

You should seek treatment when your condition doesn’t respond to rest and self-care. Generally, it’s time to get medical help when pain:

If bowel or bladder incontinence starts while you have other sciatica symptoms, you may have a medical emergency, so seek care immediately. 

Sciatica triggers

Continuing certain facets of your daily life could prolong or intensify your symptoms. They include: 

Sitting too much

Though it’s normal to consider sitting down as a resting position, sitting adds to the pressures on the lumbar spine. Spending long periods in a seated position, such as with an office job, can even cause nerve compression. 

Carrying extra pounds

Being overweight changes your body’s center of gravity, a risk factor for herniated discs and increased pressure on the lumbar spine. 

Footwear choices

Comfortable, well-cushioned shoes are the best choice to remain pain-free. High heels alter your weight distribution, once again adding to the load on your lower back. 

Wallets and phones

Adding something to one rear pocket and leaving it there can unbalance your hips as you sit. This adds uneven pressure on the piriformis muscle, which can also irritate the sciatic nerve. 

When you’re in pain, you want fast relief, even if you have a condition that will heal. Contact Westside Pain Specialists when you have any level of sciatica pain that interferes with your day-to-day life. 

You can reach us in Beverly Hills or Rancho Cucamonga by calling the nearest office directly. Resolve your pain quickly. Book your appointment today. 

We offer treatment for neck pain, back pain, sports injuries, along with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Call us to book your appointment today.

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