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Tired of Feeling Tired All the Time? Try IV Vitamin Therapy

Tired of Feeling Tired All the Time? Try IV Vitamin Therapy

There’s perhaps no more common distraction to your day than being tired. Even when it’s not due to a health condition or late night, feeling tired can affect your mood and concentration, along with a wide range of other functional abilities. 

It might be the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which endures for at least six months, or you may simply feel your energy levels should be higher. 

Instead of placing your hopes in an extra cup of coffee or other stopgap method, visit Westside Pain Specialists and ask us about intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy. It can be a simple way to tackle minor nutritional deficiencies that strip your body’s ability to recharge. 

What is IV vitamin therapy?

Intravenous therapies date back to the 17th century, but it wasn’t until 300 years later that these techniques came into common use in blood transfusions and dehydration treatments. By the 1960s, IV use became commonplace in hospitals. 

A common application sees a surgical patient receiving a saline drip delivered with an IV line through which they can receive pain medication. Bypassing the digestive system permits faster absorption of medication and requires a lesser dose, since the route through the stomach can also affect its efficacy. 

Vitamin therapy takes the IV delivery method and its advantages as a way to deliver nutrients to target deficiencies. IV vitamin therapy is easy to customize, making it an ideal way to treat individuals with specific needs. 

Addressing fatigue

Perhaps the most familiar name in IV vitamin therapy is the Myers’ cocktail, a formulation named after an early pioneer in the field. Fans of the Myers’ cocktail rave about its energy-boosting capabilities. Sometimes used to treat adrenal fatigue, the formulation includes:

These nutrients often provide a starting point for vitamin therapy, though they may be used individually or in other combinations. For instance, patients with recognized B12 deficiencies might receive only that component. 

Other additions could include amino acids, calcium, or additional antioxidants. Your response to IV vitamin therapy depends on how well an infusion matches your body’s needs. 

Treatment targets

As well as relieving your symptoms of tiredness, IV vitamin therapy may be used to treat other conditions, including: 

Westside Pain Specialists also offers ketamine infusions delivered with IV therapy for the treatment of chronic pain and depression. 

Consulting with Dr. James Nassiri is the best way to learn if IV vitamin therapy is right for you. You can call our offices in Beverly Hills or Rancho Cucamonga to schedule your appointment. If you’re a prime candidate, one hourlong session can leave you feeling recharged and refreshed. Book your session today.

We offer treatment for neck pain, back pain, sports injuries, along with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Call us to book your appointment today.

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