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5 Ways Good Posture Is Good for You

5 Ways Good Posture Is Good for You

There’s no escaping posture, whether you’re sitting or standing. It’s like the weather, always there no matter if it’s good or bad. You’ve likely been told to sit up straight or to stop slouching at some point in your life, and no matter what the motivation for it, it’s good advice. 

Think of good posture as a balanced starting point, allowing all of the systems in your body to work at peak efficiency, waiting to handle movement, lifts, and other activities that you encounter throughout your day. 

Bad posture puts unbalanced strain on joints and muscles, makes it harder to breathe, and can even affect your body at the blood flow level. 

Chronic posture issues can lead to pain, and you may need a visit to Westside Pain Specialists for help to manage your symptoms as you learn to neutralize your posture. Here are five ways good posture is good for you. 

1. Less lower back pain

Whether you’re sitting or standing, poor posture adds strain to your lower back. Muscles that should be sharing and distributing the load on your spine may not be supporting the way they should. Over time, this turns chronic, and your body is used to functioning without this support. 

Arthritis may begin prematurely, and your risk of herniated spinal discs increases. Improving your posture takes strain off the spine, using core muscles to share the load. You avoid conditions that compress nerves and generate lower back pain. 

2. Increased energy

When you work hard, you get tired. That’s a simple cause and effect that virtually everyone understands. Poor posture makes your body work harder. Muscles contract even when you’re at rest. When it’s time to move, your body must first bring itself to a neutral position before it can progress. 

Every task you attempt potentially uses more energy than it should. Starting from a position of good posture makes every motion easier and conserves energy that’s better spent on other tasks. 

3. Fewer headaches

Tension headaches are a common ailment that may be corrected through good posture. Your head is heavy, and it balances over your spine. 

Tipping it forward to view a smartphone or other device means that muscles work harder to support your unbalanced posture. This extra strain can tighten muscles in your neck and shoulders, creating the tension that causes headaches. 

4. Better digestion and circulation

Poor posture compresses vital organs through your abdomen. This impedes blood flow, the engine that drives your body’s functions. Your stomach and intestines can suffer too, leading to slower movement of food through your system. Good posture relieves organ compression and, once again, aids your body’s efficiency. 

5. Boosted self-confidence

Do you want to boost your appearance in a matter of seconds? Neutralize your posture. You’ll stand taller with shoulders back and eyes forward. It’s naturally a confident position. Maintaining good posture encourages natural confidence. 

It’s an aesthetic boost you can give yourself throughout the day to reinforce the good posture habit. 

Achieving good posture is harder when you’re dealing with the pain of arthritis, injury, or other condition. 

Visiting Westside Pain Specialists for an assessment and pain management plan provides the mobility you need to achieve posture resets throughout the day, so you can start to earn the benefits that good posture provides.

Call the nearest office in Beverly Hills or Rancho Cucamonga, California, to book your consultation now. 

We offer treatment for neck pain, back pain, sports injuries, along with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Call us to book your appointment today.

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